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Legends of Zhiguli

Ah and Îh

Prankishes have understood, that the Baba-Yaga protects the health, is afraid Îh to choke - to risk life does not want. The old woman on last means was started up: " Ah so, - speaks, well so I in a stone shall turn both of you ".

Oh was frightened yes " Oh! " - and from a log hut. The Baba-Yaga wanted Àh to seize, and it(he) for the brother, yes both back home - only heel sparkle. The Baba-Yaga sat in mortal. Pestle urges on, broom sweeps up. Pursues, just about will overtake. Now Àh will seize. And which Ah which Oh, and itself does not know. Yes you see seize Àh, and it(he), not be bad, and said: " Oh! " - unique time in life. " Ah, be you damned, a stone! " Ah above the breakage by a stone began, hardly in a wave not somersault. The Baba-Yaga to Îh - thought, it Ah. And Oh in first and unique time in life has cried: " Ah you, an old silly woman! " The Baba-Yaga has understood the stupidity and speaks: " Oh, be also you a stone! " Also began Oh near to the brother a stone. And they cost(stand) beside unseparably.

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