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Stavropol-on-the-Volga foundation
Building of Volgskaya Hydroelectric Power Station
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Togliatti - my Motherland

The city without roots?

City of a sacred cross - the former Stavropol -on- Volga.
City near Zhiguli.
City on a coast of capricious, magnificient Volga.
City in the heart of Russia with a unexpected name - Togliatti.
Anybody any more does not remember the person with this name.

But everyone knows the city in which are born Russian "Lada". Industrial centre. Not a capital.
But … songs of unrestricted Volga sound in heart!
But … whisper gray-haired Zhiguli their legends!
But … mutters a pine pine forest about people - bogatyrs who came here and live.
These are the Russian people which have created Russian city!

The emblem of Stavropol -on- Volga