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Female handball team "Lada"

Handball players of Tolyatti "Lada" have added nice page to a history of the Samara sports. On international scene the team has adequately lead(has adequately carried out) prestigious European tournament to the debut the Cup and has reached the final. The destiny of the main prize will be solved on May, 18 in Tolyatti where "Lada" will meet Romanian team "Oltxim". To support our team there will arrive the Governor of the Samara region Konstantin Alekseevich Titov.

The administration of our region renders all support to our handball team, including financial. The total sum, selected to club for 2002, makes 2,2 million roubles. For today to sports school of club " Lada " was 1,2 million roubles listed . To club for a victory over the Championship of Russia on May, 17 it is listed 300 thousand roubles from the regional budget. Revival of handball in Tolyatti began from a debut in a season 1996-1997 ã.ã. In the first league of the Championship of Russia of female team DJUSH-6 under the direction of Svetlana Kovalevoj. The level of a team and development of handball in city has not allowed her on equal to battle to contenders, and the majority of matches has been lost with the big difference in the bill.

In a season of 1997-98ã.ã. the team was surround by the players who have arrived to Tolyatti of a team of the maximum league from Novokuznetsk, the given circumstance provided besides the right to act in the maximum league of the Championship. Trainers Andrey Stepanov and Alexey Zhavoronkov, and also Svetlana Kovaleva rendering the help to a team as the player have headed a team. Despite of a youth of players and trainers, a debut of a team which already carried the name "Lada-DJUSH-6", appeared successful enough - 4 place (only the difference of balls has not allowed "Lada" to press the Moscow team " the Palace Vernadsky's prospectus ", the borrowed 3 place in the final tournament table). In the given season job of sports school and sections handball became more active, the city committee on physical training and sports had been handed balls for employment to twenty comprehensive schools cultivating handball.

In a season of 1998-99 the team from Tolyatti already, not being the newbie in the maximum league, not only has fixed the achieved success, but also has surpassed all expectations. On finish of the championship handball mens "Lada-DJUSH-6" in Voronezh in persistent struggle have twice changed mistresses of a field and have received the right to represent our city on the All-Russia arena in a superleague.

The class of game in a superleague of Russian handball handball is much higher, than in the maximum in this connection in a season of 1999-2000 in structure of the Tolyatti team the new, skilled players who are possessing experience of statement not only on All-Russia, but also European arenas have appeared. "Lada" in the first round in Moscow in all voice declares itself, having gained 4 victories over 5 meetings. At the end of November a team the new main trainer - the deserved trainer of Russia and has headed the USSR the master of sports Eugeny Trefilov. With his arrival the team has considerably added in skill. In final tournament of six best teams "Lada" types six glasses from 10 possible, but nevertheless lags behind from AGU "AdiIF" from Maikop on two point and finishs the fourth. We shall note, that in the past championship in active "Lada" of a victory over all teams of a superleague, including above champions and prime-champions of Russia.

In a season of 2000 for a female combined team of Russia became rather successful - on taking place in December in Bucharest (Romania) the Championship of Europe she has won bronze medals is a first medal Russian ãàíäáîëèñòîê at official international competitions. In structure of a team owners of bronze awards became representatives Tolyatti "Lada": the main trainer of combined team and "Lada" Eugeny Trefilov, the trainer of combined team and "Lada" Vitaly Krohin, and also players Oksana Romenska, Nigina Saidova and Natalia Goncharova.

In a season of 2000-2001 ã.ã. The female team of a superleague during all championship combated for a title of the champion, but has conceded its Volgograd "Akve" becoming the silver prize-winner. On the World championship last in December, 2001 in structure of a combined team of Russia players Tolyatti "Lada" Romenska Oksana, Goncharova Natalia, Suslina Inna, Kareeva Anna, Poltoratskaja Irina, Parshkova Elena and Trefilov E.V. and Krohin V.P.'s trainers have won gold medals - the first for Russia at so prestigious competitions.

In the championship of Russia in 2001-2002 ã.ã. The main struggle for glasses again was conducted between teams "Lada" and "Akva" (Volgograd). The champion of Russia was defined 07.05.2002 in an internal meeting of these teams - "Lada" became the champion of Russia.

19.01.2002 Year Tolyatti "Lada" the debut has taken place in the European Cup of owners among female teams.

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