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The theatre "Wheel"

DATE of the BASIS: on MARCH, 2, 1988.
Theatre " Wheel " has been organized in 1988, on the crest of reorganization, as theatre of new model. In Tolyatti, having 700 thousand inhabitants, never was professional theatre: guns has been solved to open the first contract theatre in Soviet Union. wheel The circuit of construction of this theatre has been developed and published in a seal by one of leading provincial Russian directors the national actor of Russia Drozdov G.B. He also has headed theatre " Wheel ". Almost at once the actor's faculty was open which two releases have joined later troupe of theatre was open. In spite of the fact that the theatre in the city which is not having theatrical traditions, his work can be named very successful. Attendance of spectators averages 87 %, that much more exceeds an average indice across Russia. The theatre has twice visited Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, England, America on performances. In 1998 has been carried the Russia joint American statement of performance " Romeo and the Juliet " V.Shekspira (director G.Drozdov) in whom the most part of troupe of theatre was occupied out. In repertoir of theatre are about twenty names. All these performances are full of love to people and optimism. The bright entertainment form, musicality, filigree furnish of all actor's works and full actor's self-feedback - that is peculiar to performances of theatre. They operate as a glass of champagne and the spectator who has got on them, in some minutes is ready to laugh and cry together with all hall . " We also did not know, that in publicity it is so much fun ", - one of the American newspapers has written to reviews of performance of theatre. Wheel However fun and melancholy theatre " Wheel " do not depend on a political mode. It is simple its way of life. Its performances: " Marriage " and" the Opera of lunatics of "N.Gogolja", "A.Chehov" Cherry garden, Skapenstreaks ", the A.Ostrovsk "Bankrupt " and many - many others.

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