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Legends of Zhigulevsk mountains
Stavropol-on-the-Volga foundation
Building of Volgskaya Hydroelectric Power Station
History of VAZ
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Born Three Times. Part 2

Construction of the Volga HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION - the rebirth

April, 18, 1951 the Presidium of a Supreme Soviet of RSFSR has accepted the Decree about transformation of Stavropol to city of regional value. Construction of such huge scale was developed in our country for the first time: about 600 factories of various industries of the country delivered here production. Daily on construction acted over two thousand cars of materials and the equipment..
 the Kind of the Volga HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION May, 1953 - the beginning of carry of city of Stavropol from a zone of flooding on a new platform.
It was transferred over 3 thousand houses.
For building the place, from three parties bordered was chosen a pine pine forest. Tens millions roubles, hundred thousand cubic metre of a wood and other building material has given the state to immigrants. Day and night lorries carried panels, a brick, concrete. In two years the new multi-storey city celebrated house warming. 130 scientific institutes worked above engineering maintenance of construction. Not casually some experts named construction Kuybishevskoy HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION proving ground, academy of building experience.

 the Volga HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATION The enhanced attention of all country was chained to construction at Gyguley, it has helped to solve many grandiose building tasks.
For example, the building of hydroelectric power station of an original design in height from a sole of the base up to a roof of 80 m and by length about 700 m was erected. The earthen alluvial dam in length about 2 800 m, height up to 50 m the right wing adjoins to hydrostation, blocks a channel of Volga and a part left-bank поймы where incorporates to a water-drain ferro-concrete dam in length about kilometer. The construction of hydrounit the general extent on water-pressure head front about 5,5 kms has resulted in increase of a water level in Volga and to formation of a water basin by the area over 6,5 thousand square kilometres.
The width of a water basin on separate sites achieves 48 kms, depth - 50 m. Old silent provincial Stavropol, appearing in a zone of flooding, has left under the water, new started to be under construction from hills of the left coast, in several kilometers from a water basin.