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Born Three Times. Part 1

The foundation of Stavropol - on - the Volga

In the spring 1740 in Stavropol the Kalmyk school was open. At the end of the same year the doctor has arrived and in city the hospital on some beds was open. Together with Kalmyks on the new grounds began to move and Russian.  Street of Stavropol Allowing Tatishevu and to colonel Zmeevu to build city of Stavropol, Russian government at the same time ordered to construct it near a fortress twenty trading stores with habitation.

On a new place the merchant class was developed with all one's migh. In 1772 in the Stavropol district it was moved about three thousand Kalmyks, but it was last large resettlement.

Were determined with the consent of the government of a place for Kalmyk settlements: village Berry - in 25 versts from Stavropol, Tenevo or Rakovka - in 50 versts, Suskan - in 35, Chekalino - 60, Kurumoch - in 63,  Wood Sanatorium Guards large village - in 70, Red - in 70, Top Yakushino - 85, Cats - 95 versts from Stavropol.

Stavropol with formation Simbirsk region ruled by governor in 1781 became district city. Here, alongside with city authorities the district administration was founded. As well as in other cities, in Stavropol there was the governor of a town, a municipal government, court and other establishments.
Passed time. Stavropol, as well as other cities of Russia, has gone through reform of 1861, revolt, famine, and 1917, at last, has come...