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Legends of Zhigulevsk mountains
Stavropol-on-the-Volga foundation
Building of Volgskaya Hydroelectric Power Station
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We love our city!

S.F.Zhilkin, the rector of The Togliatti state university

We love the city because have constructed it for itself, children and grandsons.
We are proud of the city because, hardly having been born, it became known all over the world due to diligence, skill, talent of its autobuilders, chemists, artists, sportsmen...
We protect the city because it was lucky enough to arise in the most original and fine place of Russia - on Volga, in reserved Zhiguli.
We hope for the great future of our city because could bring up the educated, healthy, talented citizens and to create opportunities for an all-around development of new generations.
We trust in prosperity of our city because energy and experience of experts in changed economic and political conditions are brightly and fruitfully realized in new industrial, building, trade enterprises, in creation of new education systems, public health services, education.

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